I always love the turning of a new chapter. My resolution for the year is to get out of my own way. My entire life I have allowed my fears to hold me back. Once I finished illustrating the book series I had to face some of my biggest, most debilitating fears. Sharing my work, opening up, speaking in public. I spent many a night in the last year racked with anxiety. But something shifted in me over the Christmas break. I realized that in order to follow my calling, I have to get out of my own way. What is it that I am afraid of anyway? Is it even real? I have been conditioned to hide in the background, but if I want to evolve and reach out to children in a big way, then that thinking no longer serves me. So no more fear. And now I will be doing a storytime/craft event at Barnes & Noble on January 26th! When I feel the anxiety rise, I shift my thoughts to the children. I realize now that it isn't about me, it is about opening up and connecting with the world in a new way.
P.S: I created the piece "The Truce" on my Illustration page as a way of making peace with fear. It was very satisfying!
A Paris storefront.